The First Real Improv Class I Took…

The 1st blog post of many to come! Yay!

I’m seriously excited about this journey I’m currently on, teaching improv, and working with peeps wanting to make a change and better themselves. There is soooo much to cover with improv, but let’s take it one step at a time. Cuz when I say journey, I mean it. Like most things in life, this will be more like a marathon than a sprint.

I’d like to start off talking about my first improv class.

Like most people interested in taking an improv class I had no idea what it entailed other than some short form games I’d seen on Whose Line Is It Anyway?, the British version not the Drew Carey one. Chances are you’ve never heard of that version which makes me an uber nerd and old :/

I remember the first improv class I had ever taken. It was at a Meisner Conservatory school in New York. Second semester in we were required to take an improv class. I was beyond excited! I couldn’t wait to finally learn some improv. And we did…sort of. While the person teaching was a working comedic actor, and had tons of experience, but I never learned how to truly improvise as an actor. We played fun exercises/games and had some laughs, but the instructor never focused on the fundamentals. Honestly, I don’t think we were even taught how to “yes and” or support your scene partner. There was one day where we played with status and relationship which was great, but we had a sub that day :/

Flash forward to five years later, I’m living in LA and taking my first real improv class at The Second City Hollywood. And friends, it changed my life. I got all the basics and fundamentals I needed, then eventual training at other theaters learning long form along with other improv teacher’s philosophies.

The way I look at my work, my relationships, how I communicate with others, the world around me has changed for the better. Improv has had such an impact on my life and career. I don’t think I would be the person I am today without it.

In order to make it happen you’ve got to be willing to put your good foot forward, and do it. One step at a time. Remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint. So wear comfy shoes and enjoy it. Cuz if you aren’t, then who is 🙂



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